Dr. Liza Anderson
The Rev'd Kira Austin-Young
The Rev'd Andrea Arsene
Frank Avignone
Ann Braithwaite
Ty Carlson
The Rev'd Bill Carroll
The Church of the Holy Communion, Memphis, TN
The Church of the Incarnation, Highlands, NC
The Church of Saint Michael & All Angels, Tucson, Arizona
Christ Church Episcopal Tulsa, OK
The Rev. Dr. Christopher Corbin
Ms. Hannah Curtis and the Rev. Canon Lee Curtis
The Rev'd Clayton D Crawley
Jason Crighton
The Diocese of Nebraska
The Diocese of Southern Ohio
The Diocese of West Virginia
The Rev'd Sara Fischer
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Jonathan Folts
The Rev. Scott Gunn
Prof. Dhananjay Jagannathan
Deacon Bernie Jones
Katelyn Kenney
The Rt. Rev. Nicholas Knisely
Richard Mammana
The Rev. Canon Cody Maynus
The Rev. Andy McQuery
The Rev'd Timothy Miller
The Rev. Nurya Love Parish
The Rev. Jason A. Poling
The Popejoy Family
Morgan Randall
The Rev. Canon Dr. Kara N. Slade
Michael Smith
The Rev. Marie Smith
Rebecca Spurlock
The Rev'd Noah Stansbury
Elizabeth Townley
James M. Egan Weiss
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