Photo from Unsplash.
As we look into the eyes of another human being, in a mysterious way, Christ is present in that other person. Christ, as Sustainer of all creation, is graciously sustaining creation enabling its ongoing existence. Christ, as the Divine Logos, is the divine blueprint that is woven into creation. Christ is the perfect image of God, the same image that all human beings have been created in. And so, as we look into the eyes of another human being, Christ is mysteriously present there. And what’s more, every person we see is a person Christ loves and for whom he died that they might gain life and fulfillment in God’s love and embrace.
As followers of Christ, therefore, we are called to love and serve all persons, not simply for their sake but for the sake of Christ who loves them, died for them, and is present in and around them. In loving and serving them, we love and serve Christ.
As strife, enmity, and division continue to rip apart the fabric of our world, we are called to stand amidst it all in countercultural love; a love that cuts across all barriers of race, politics, status, ideology, religion… across every barrier that divides; a love that builds bridges of reconciliation rather than walls of hatred and animosity.
The challenge is that sin darkens and hides the perception of Christ in others – both our own sin and the sin in others. And it becomes hard to see clearly that Christ is present in others. So we must lean into God’s grace to enable us to see through the darkness and see others as God sees them. For as we look into another person’s eyes, we are to see Christ there and seek to serve Him, loving that person as we love ourselves.