Remember all is going to be well;
Don’t rail against the mob, nor be in haste.
And still you’re going to have to fight like hell.
They pull the living mollusk from its shell
And toss it to the buzzards—reckless waste!
Remember all is going to be well,
Though every peal were charity’s death knell,
And love deported to the howling waste—
Then still you’re going to have to fight like hell.
If enemies should board, we’ll sound the bell,
And nail our bloodied colors to the mast!
Remember all is going to be well.
Our Courteous Lord will brave the rushing swell,
And lead His children through the fiery blast—
But still you’re going to have to fight like hell.
You think that you’re secure within your cell?
Not till it’s safe for every tribe and caste.
Remember all is going to be well.
Their children’s children will recall, and tell
Their children how the ruin became so vast.
Remember all is going to be well—
And still you’re going to have to fight like hell.