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Year C Advent
Advent I
God the Father, our light along the way, you lead us in paths winding and shadowed, ever quietly singing your love. As we travel towards Bethlehem, prepare our hearts to welcome an unexpected child, an unmarried mother, a family without a home, for in their lives we find you. In the name of Jesus born of Mary, Amen.
Advent II
God of the Exodus, God of the wilderness, your prophets tell us what we don’t want to hear. But beyond their rebukes is your grace, clothed in rags is your glory, for they are messengers bearing hope for the world. Open our ears to their words and our hearts to their hope so that through us the world might be changed. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Advent III
God of creation, who can breathe life into stones, you spoke your Word into the world in flesh and bone, from exile to exile, wind storm to wilderness, enduring a world of pain to make us a world of love. In this season of advent, help us not only to await Jesus’ birth but his life, not only his tomb but his rising, because after the darkness always comes the light. In the name of your incarnate son Jesus Christ, Amen.
Advent IV
Creator God, you came to Mary and asked to call her mother; you found the outcasts and called them friends. Remind us in the story of your birth and your life that all your people are beloved, and that we as your body are to follow in your way. Amen.