Photo from Unsplash.
Earlier this year I was asked, along with several others, to define “sin” on an index card. At first it seemed like an easy question, but as I wrote, it was like grasping at water. Every definition was too small or too big, limited God’s ability, or put too much ability into the hands of humans. I recall writing something like “a separation from the glory of God” - a deeply insufficient rendering.
We are sinful creatures living in a sinful world. A hopeful, beautiful world that was created by God, through the Word of God, for us.
Each Sunday we repent for things we have done and we repent for things we have left undone. We repent for those hurts we have caused directly, and we repent for those we have caused through the sinful, harmful structures in which we, and all of humanity, are caught. If we live in the west we are caught in a cycle in which almost everything we need for our lives is purchased on the lives of those in the global south. Affordable clothing, produce, seafood, and even flowers are created, raised or harvested by those living in painful, abusive conditions. Yet the structures in the west do not allow many the resources to shop in places that do not get their wares from these sources. We are stuck in a vicious cycle in which capital is hoarded at the tip-top, with ever-decreasing amounts dripping to the rest of humanity.
This cycle of evil permeates creation, polluting the earth and impoverishing God’s children. Yet we somehow ignore this systemic greed and focus on not using plastic straws.
We can resist being cruel to each other, which is hard enough. Resisting evil, though - resisting a true force which permeates creation - is harder. We must persevere in resisting evil. And it is outside our ability to always succeed.
But what we can do is repent and return to the Lord. As we are called to forgive those who sin against us not seven times but seven times seven times (Matthew 18:22) so can we repent and return to the Lord as often as we sin, knowing that God is there and waiting for us, as a parent with open arms.