Earth and Altar

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Photo by Rob Curran on Unsplash

And while we’re at it 

we should also praise Praising! 

Let us lift our hearts to raised hands 

and raise our hands to lifted hearts!

It is meet and right so to do:

at all times and in all places to love 

the taste as the sustenance!

the fore as the destination!

the sound as the meaning!

Therefore with vagabonds and lobster-women,

with the AA sponsors and the alzheimers researchers, 

with the last queen of Hawaii,

and the battalions that charged the Somme,

with the Macy’s Santa Clause,

and St. Monica of Hippo,

with line cooks and parliamentarians,

with all the company of heaven

and every creature who clatters 

a nugget of the Numinous —

we ever more praise Praising, singing

holy, holy, holy is the Holy, Holy Holy!

heaven and earth are full of It,

almost sick on the surfeit,

glory be to Glory, from glory to glory

until the world ends!


For Stephen Cushman, my teacher

who still writes poetry in praise