Earth and Altar

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My friend is entering rehab once again.
A journey of a thousand miles begins
With twelve steps. Then, the privilege we win
Of snugging up our boots, and saying “Amen.”
And heading back out on the road again,
(“I come that you may have more life,” he said);
Where every human enterprise is rust,
Decay, betrayal, and unending pain;
Where prostitutes and prophets walked, and bled;
The road is dusty; we are made of dust,

Of disappointments, love, and loss, and grief;
Of every shower of rain, and fall of dew;
Of innocence, and guilt, and “shame on you!”
Experience and hurt, with no relief.
“Life more abundantly!” Ain’t that a kick?
Why would we want more life? We’re better dead.
“I did that,” Jesus says. “I felt it all.”
Already at a loss, already sick,
While “fair-to-middlin’” rips our souls to shreds.
Abundant life, or else no life at all.

You angels and all powers of the Lord,
Sun and moon and stars of the night sky
All winds and fire and heat, come glorify;
Winter and Summer, speak your wordless Word.
O chill and cold, ice, sleet, and flakes of snow,
O shining light, and the enfolding dark,
O mountains, hills, and everything that’s real;
O souls and spirits of the righteous, show!
He won’t snuff out the faintly-burning spark!
Come teach my friend what more there is to feel.